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The Secret To Making A "Hit" Song

I've been writing songs for about four years now. I have written a ton of crap, but every now and then I make something good. Something that could be considered a "hit". What I've realized over the years is that in order to write a "hit" song, you must write bad songs. What i'm saying is that your best songs usually come when it's not force. That's why some of the best albums take years to make because the writing is the most crucial part of the album. Not only does It show where one stands as an artist, It tells your story.

Don't try to write about heartbreak if you never had it. Don't write about political injustice because the "cool" bands do it. Write what you find is interesting or what you have experienced. writing authentically is what makes that hit song. Being true to yourself is what people strive to be, so be the odd one out. Be the light in the darkness.

Looking back on what I wrote, all the songs that people seem to enjoy are the ones that took the least amount of effort. The ones that I was embarrassed to show people tend to be considered my best work. People pick up on that, and that's the kind of music people love. So my advice to you is to not overthink the process. Get your pipes running and make something great.

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